What is social care?
To those of us who work in the sector that is
probably an easy question to answer, although I suspect many of those answers
will actually be slightly different, but what does it mean to the general
public and the mainstream media?
It is perhaps the vaguest of all social
policy areas after all most social policy is easily understood. Housing refers
to where people live and the links between poor housing, welfare and
deprivation are fairly easy to see to the average person (obviously to
specialists things are much more complicated than that). Education means
teaching our children to learn and, while there may be arguments on the best
way to do this, when politicians talk about education the general public knows
it is about schools, colleges and universities. Employment is about getting
people to work and ensuring that the conditions of work protect employers and
workers. Welfare is about the State supporting those in need, yes they is a
debate about how you define that need but we all understand what is meant by
Health is also an easy issue to understand,
it is about our physical and mental well-being. If we are ill we see a doctor,
the type of doctor we see depends on what is wrong with us. We would expect our
G.P. to refer us to the appropriate specialist in either physical or
psychological issues and then expect to be treated by them, and that the system
that the general public expect social policy to support. One of the reasons for
the animosity toward the Health & Social Care Bill is the worry that
changes may make this system different and more difficult to achieve the best
possible results for our own health.
But what about social care? How easy is it
for the average person to understand what social care means when politicians
and professionals talk about it?
2006 the Department of Health described social care as “the wide range of
services designed to support people to maintain their independence, enable them
to play a fuller part in society, protect them in vulnerable situations and
manage complex relationships” (DH (2006) Our health, our care,
our say: a new direction for community services.)
does that really mean anything to the average person?
for example, services to support people to “enable them to play a fuller part
in society”. The majority of people tend to think of social care as services
for the elderly, something not helped by politicians who insist on focusing on
how elderly care is paid for, and would find it hard to see what playing a
fuller part in society would actually mean. After all for most people life does
not involve “society”, it just revolves around work and home life (yes I know
that is society but how many people think of it like that).
care does, naturally, support people to play a part in society, beyond
supporting older people, support for people with disabilities involves trying
to enable people to getting employment and if that is not possible ensuring
that they receive their full entitlement of benefits (but, says the average person, isn’t that employment & welfare
is, or should be, about promoting and maintaining independence and enabling
people to live where they want to live and ensure they are living in accommodation
that is most appropriate to their needs. It is about ensuring that people have
the adaptations and support in their home or, if their needs are greater that
they can find accommodation in a home that will allow them to be as independent
as possible whilst minimising potential risk (but, says the average person, isn’t that housing policy?)
the mainstay of social care is providing personal support for people who are no
longer able to support themselves. The reason for not being able to support
themselves is generally down to physical or mental deterioration, age related
conditions can be physically disabling and diseases, such as dementia, impact
on the mind. The role of social care is to ensure that these people have
support in maintaining their physical and mental well-being (but, says the average person, isn’t that
health policy?)
There has been a lot of talk about
integration in social care but the real fact is that social care is the
integrating service.
Social care should be about bringing all
other policy areas together for the benefit of those who need them. Social care
should be seen as the umbrella under which all other policy areas sit because
all of the areas could may need social care intervention. This is especially
true if we include children’s as well as adult services in our overall
definition, education, housing, welfare, employment and health all have an
impact on the “social” and where they fail it is down to social care to step in
to aid the individual, whether vulnerable child or adult, and support them to
achieve the best possible outcome.
Tony, Good points raised. I have always described social care as a hub as it is the only agency/organisation that regularly engages with all other people and organisations around the person and seeks to co-ordinate what's going on to improve outcomes. Health think integration is between acute and community or within disciplines wthin each of these areas. Social Care just isn't on their radar- still. I think collaboration is better term than integartion going forward. It does not imply a 'take-over' - which is generally what happens when middle managers and technocrats try and integrate - for them it becomes about who runs what not who are we doing this for and what are we trying to achieve for the citizen.
ReplyDeleteJerry Hall @jerryOLM